March is usually about the time we think back to our New Year’s ideas, thoughts, questions, and inspiration. When I reflect back on New Year’s Day, I am reminded this year is all about balance, uncomplicated, presence, and living a truer me. Looking back, the year of 2017 was about soul work. Deep diving, Skinny Dipping, mantra + meditating, desire seeking, sweat + tears = work. And… what came out of this year was action and change. It all started with a lot of questions and reflection. What do I LOVE in life? What do I value more than anything? What do I desire and how do I want to feel? More importantly it started with truth, honesty, and tossing away all the shoulds. I also tossed caffeine, eggs and dairy. Although, coffee loves to find it’s way back.

I discovered that my family is at the top of my “Most Important” list, which I’m thrilled about. I actually uncovered it’s not just that family is important but what I truly desire for my family is their health and happiness. I want to show up and do my best for them every day. Another LOVE I discovered is connection with others and helping them live their best life. This can look different and evolves in so many ways: as a nurse at the bedside, as an instructor with nursing students, as a friend, as a wife, as a mother, as a health coach, as a volunteer, and any other avenue where I connect others with those who want to thrive in life. Once I uncovered this truth I then worked on a list of what I don’t love in life:









Have to’s






I uncovered that first and foremost taking care of my family, and their health (and mine) was #1! I needed to feel clear, uncomplicated, present, and connected with #1 daily. But, #2 (connection with others) wanted a hand in the game as well. Connecting with others and uncovering their joy, their health, and helping them thrive in life is a huge desire of mine. When I launched Menu To Thrive I fell in love with integrative health coaching. My nursing background, my functional nutrition background, and an integrative medicine background came together in perfect harmony with coaching and connecting with others. But, after a year into being an entrepreneur I realized I was alone, unsure, pedaling, pushing, forcing and left feeling empty. During my entire nursing career, especially in the ER, we always worked as a team. If I ever had thoughts, ideas, or questions someone right there was available to ponder with. Launching Menu to Thrive was exhilarating, but I soon realized there was something missing. I missed colleagues and a team. So, at the beginning of 2017 I put my intention of working with others and not feeling alone out to the universe. By the beginning of November, the universe spoke. I found a place that combines my love for health, connection, and my experience in nursing, functional nutrition, and integrative health coaching perfectly. And… guess what? I’m not alone anymore. I have found a team that is amazing and show up every day to help others achieve the health they desire.

I would like to welcome you all to TruFIT20. This is where I can show up several times a week and live out the life I truly desire aligned with my true self. This little gym is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. The science behind the workout blows my mind, and the connection I develop with my clients is wonderful. Plus, I get to bring Menu To Thrive with me and help anyone who wants to dive deeper into all areas of health and begin thriving in life. For my local peeps please check us out, everyone gets 3 FREE sessions. Even though I want to celebrate my new goodness, Menu to Thrive is here to stay so please stick around for more juiciness on Thriving with Fitness!